Tech War

2023 Review: How China is Catching Up with the US in Key Tech Domains?

While China demonstrates formidable strength in several areas, it still faces challenges in others, particularly in achieving global influence in specific technologies. As both China and the US contin...

2023 Review: Who is Winning in Key Tech Domains?

Is the US's technological war and sanctions slowing China's rise, or is China closing the gap faster than expected?

China Bring Record-breaking Submarine Power to Life, Efficient and Silent | THRESHOLD

Test New-Era Generator, Produce Oxygen on Mars: What Does China Want to do?

Why are China and the US Making Human-Like Robots? | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: New Frontier of Sino-US competition: Robotics

US Clamps Down on AI Chip Exports to China. Will It Work This Time? | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: The new US export controls immediately restricting NVIDIA's top AI chips abruptly end 30-day procurement ‘window period’ , expediting China's shift to local alternatives as it works to bo...

China Forges Ahead in Next-Gen AI Chips, Moon Mission and Quantum Computing | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: Chinese Scientists Develop Groundbreaking AI Chip Inspired by the Brain: 97% Energy Reduction with Advanced Computing Performance

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