To suppress China, the US is killing Western tech giants.
Can the development of human technology break through the obstacles set by the US?
Will Germany follow in the footsteps of the United States and ban the entry of China's electric vehicle industry into its market?
Recently, DigiTimes published an opinion piece triumphantly declaring that the US will “beat Huawei once & for all” by promoting an emerging 5G architecture known as “Open Radio Access Network” (...
Former Finance Minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis on the truth of China’s economic slowdown and why the US is afraid of China.
The China-US tech war has finally extended to the realm of biology.
Gaps in knowledge often lead to polarized views - either people maintain blind optimism about China's ability to conquer the "chip" challenge, or express complete pessimism.
"The more backward the more protectionism, the more protectionism the more backward", once led the technological change of Europe is now also caught in such a strange circle. Europe can "break the thi...
Western countries, led by the United States, view technological change as a foundation for national security, resorting to a high-tech cold war approach to suppress non-western countries.
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