
China As NATO’s Ultimate Target

NATO Is Setting Its Sights on China, Who's Calling the Shots?

How Will China Use Military Force to Peacefully Unify Taiwan Island?

For Chinese mainland, military liberation has never been the last resort.

China Air Force Strategist: USAF’s flawed thinking has doomed the F35

What caused the $2 trillion F35 project to flop so hard? This Chinese military strategist pinpointed the answer in his book a quarter-century ago.

F-35: The $2 Trillion Trap the U.S. Couldn’t Escape

Why is the U.S. spending so much money to build an airplane that the U.S. Air Force can't afford to fly?

Why Is Socialism Catching Up in the US?

US war machine has waged endless wars around the world, but has failed to win and has gradually isolated itself more and more.

Russian Anthropologist: How AI has Changed the Ukrainian War?

Today we are happy to have Professor of the Russian State University of Humanities, he will reveal to us how AI has changed the Ukrainian battlefield in 2023.

South Africa: Israel’s Gaza operation constitutes GENOCIDE

What will define 2024? The elections or the war in Gaza? Today we are happy to have Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, who is the spokesperson for the National Union of Metal Workers South Africa, she will revea...