
When Doctors Hold Their Patients Hostage

The doctors are hell-bent on their share, as the government is desperate for votes. And it's only South Korea's entire population that pays for the deadlock.

Biden’s New China Tariffs: A Reflection of His Deep Understanding of US History

Why is the US economy so dominant? Because it betrays the principles of the free market more than any other country.

Why China’s Economy isn’t Actually Collapsing?

Entering 2024, foreign media continues to utilize topics like industrial transfer and consumption decline to render the Chinese economy as “collapsing”.

Black Markets and Brothels, Official Guides of Soros’ Investments

How do you know if a country is worth an investment? Founder of the Quantum Fund is ready to share some unconventional wisdom.

Protectionism Doesn’t Protect America

We've heard the politicized rhetoric repeated again and again: 'It's not your fault, it's China's fault.' However, the reality is that protectionism just doesn't protect.

A Decade into “Made in Vietnam”: Is it the End of China’s Golden Age?

We have been hearing for at least a decade that Vietnam is replacing China as the "Factory of the World." But how much merit is there in this statement when 70% of Vietnamese exports to the United Sta...

Socialism, capitalism, or Chinism?

In 75 years, the Chinese model has transformed China from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the largest industrial powers.

How Biden Tries to Save America by Divorcing Neoliberalism

After years of forcing neoliberalism down the throats of developing countries, the United States is finally conceding its fallacy by quietly gearing towards Bidenomics. Should it be held accountable t...

Why US’s Biggest Internal Problem is Dollar?

Why is de-dollarization happening? Why is the dollar system, widely assumed to be unbeatable, crumbling?