Russia Lost Syria: A Blow is a Blow, a Pain is a Pain

Alexander Dugin, speculated to be 'the Brain of Putin,' argues that Syria was the weakest link in a broader plan to undermine Russia, and that the fall of Assad was Biden’s tailor-made trap awaiting Trump.
December 10, 2024
Russian philosopher and public activist, doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
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The situation in Syria is, in reality, very tragic. This was originally the globalists’ Plan B in the White House in Washington. The globalists wanted before to control the situation and prolong the process of conflict escalation by stirring up tensions in Georgia, in Moldova, in Armenia, in Romania, in Syria and Middle East-everywhere where Russian has a strategic stake, weakening Russia’s position in these strategic places, one after another.

But the victory of Trump, the prospect of a new administration in Washington accelerated all plans to undermine Russia. In order to set Trump up for failure and trap him, those in Washington now have sped up their efforts to diminish Russia’s regional importance. If Russia appears too weak and too unstable to assure its own regional interests and those of its allies, this could send the wrong message to Trump, leading him down the wrong path of treating Russia as some secondary, regional power. I believe this is the plan behind the entire Syria situation.

Syria was the weakest link in the chain. And this time, globalists and Israel have thrown in all their cards, all their leverage, all their potential there in Syria in order to strike simultaneously against Assad. Maybe the corrupted Syrian army had some secret agreements with the West. May be some members of Assad family also. The goal was to get Russia out of Syria, overthrow Assad, expel Iranians and support Israel with a weakened Syria, compounded with the goal of altering Russia’s image in the eyes of Trump.

Syria was the weakest link in the chain.

Now, the globalists in this interim government, the ending term of Biden, they try to inflict as many damages they could afford on Russia in order to prevent normalization of the relations between Russia and U.S., I would say that they have succeeded as they have overthrown Assad by summoning the hostile movements of al Qaida, of ISIS, of Kurds as well the traitors in the Syrian army and Assad’s government. It has been in the making for more than ten years since the globalists started the Arab Spring. They aimed at overthrowing all traditional leaders, which they succeeded in doing in Tunisia and later in Egypt. They have also provoked civil wars which are still ongoing in Libya and in Iraq. Syria and Russia and China have always been on their list. Russia and China have together intervened in the Syria-Russia militarily and China more economically- to save the secular regime of Assad, to prevent the genocide, to prevent the annihilation of the ethnic and religious minority in Syria. We have successfully done that for more than 10 years.

And now finally, the coordination between hostile powers by the globalists has prevailed. I would say that this is a huge loss. It is not existential loss, for example, as Ukraine is for us, we will fight in Ukraine until our last breath. Syria is not of such priority, but nevertheless, it was very important of a multipolar world and of our strategic position in the Middle East. And it takes a toll on the humanitarian aid to civilians there.

Now, I can hardly imagine what will follow. For sure, fighting among hostile fractions will begin. Syria’s civil society, minorities such as Christians and Shiites are all under threat. Terrible things are going on to happen there in Syria. And we no longer have no the power to help the Syrian people. We’ve done all that we could. We need to accept the blow as blow, the pain as pain, and the loss as loss. It is the tragic aspect of existence. But we should all learn from this tragedy. I think the inevitable defeat of the globalist with their anti-human agenda and the drive for global dominance will only be accelerated by such episodes.

I think that Russia, China, India, and other poles of our multipolar world should make more efforts to bring justice and real democracy to our world, and help all minorities survive radical terrorists’ ideologies and practices.

I see no way out for the Middle East in the short term. The situation will exacerbate until it reaches a critical point. For Syrians, we’ve tried to save their society, but we have lost. We need to accept that it will affect our fight against globalist on other fronts. But if Trump could distance himself from Washington until he comes to office, maybe he could counterbalance the globalist’s agenda to some extent. At the same time, Trump’s total devotion to Israel and to more radical circles in Israel such as Netanyahu himself, as Ben Gvir, Bezalel Smotrich, that as well could make situation more difficult. Nothing is certain.

Now, the world is in the turbulence, in the bloody chaos, and not only the Middle East. We need to lead the way in establishing alternative relations among countries, nations, ethnical group, religions, different from how the West has done it. The West cannot lead humanity. It can create conflicts, start the war, and destroy, but it cannot construct and build. They can build nothing at all, but their power to destroy is immense.

Editor: Catherine Yang


Russian philosopher and public activist, doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
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  1. Beautifully explained

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    • Why not give the genuine name instead than hiding behind globalists?

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  2. USA AND NATO – Cope harder son😂

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  3. Siempre las palabras de Dugin son acertadas. Saludos desde Chile

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    • Dugin es mier da

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  4. la russia non conta più niente. finanziariamente siete arrivati al capolinea. e ora che non avete più neppure la siria, verrete ricacciati via anche dalla georgia, armeni ed ucraina. non contate più niente. rassegnatevi

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    • Scegli con maggiore attenzione le tue fonti di informazioni e preparati, in ogni caso, a sorprese a te sgradite.

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  5. …Well Mr.Dugin, don’t pretend you care for minorities in Syria, it was your hub and access to warm waters which was Russia’s strategy in the first place. The question is why you(Russia) let that happen? You possess all the information before hand that they will move on and overthrow Assad.

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  6. You can reach an agreement with Turkey on the bases in Latakia. Erdogan had already suggested this years ago. In addition, it is already profitable to withdraw from Syria in terms of dealing with the real fronts. Instead of dealing with a fool like Assad, a useless and selfish partner like Iran, it is more profitable for Russia to just eat the cream. In addition, Turkey kept its promise to Russia after the Revolution and continues to be a firewall for Russia against the globalists. Perhaps it would be more accurate to look at Greece, which you directly contributed to the establishment of and continue to feed through oil transportation and banking. Because all the weapons used against you pass through Greek ports.

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    • Russia is not stupid enough to trust a double-dealer again. Erdogan has to pay a high price for its Betrayal. President Putin once stated clearly that Russia will not forgive betrayers.

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    • You point to Greece but do you have any supporting proof for your claims that ALL weapons pass through Greece? Is Turkey not the base and training camp for the insurgents that attacked Syria? It is funny because we all knew and the Russians knew it better than all of us that you would eventually turn on them. It’s what Turks do, every time in history.

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  7. Power to destroy (Gog and Magog) Quran

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  8. Major blow to Russian prestige

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  9. Why not give the genuine name instead than hiding behind globalists?

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  10. Any evidence, or just “I believe…”? Btw “globalists” is an extreme right-wing dogwhistle for “shadowy jewish cabale”. The german Nazis of the last century used the same tactic, but they called it “Weltjudentum”

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    • J

      Maybe that rhetoric wouldn’t be so convincing without AIPAC and all those financial companies who work with IMF. Ever read about the economic hitman?

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  11. It’s ironic that you claim to help people and accuse the West of being inhumane and unconstructive, yet all of Russia’s actions have been geared toward supporting dictators, tyrants, and oligarchs while sacrificing minorities for higher stakes, as evident in Russia’s relationship with Turkey. Russia has never genuinely cared about minorities or their right to self-determination; you only bring it up rhetorically until you strike a deal with the despots and tyrants of the region. This pattern is clear in the cases of Armenia-Turkey-Azerbaijan and Turkey-Kurdistan.

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  12. The fate of Syria is of course tragic, but as you said, Russia’s existential fight is in Ukraine. Now instead of Russia being distracted by Syria, Turkey, US and Israel will be bogged down in the morass that they created. This increases Russia’s relative strength in Ukraine where it must achieve victory.

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  13. A traitor inside the walls is more dangerous than an army outside them. So Russia must discipline the Erdogan’s Hypocrisy before fighting the enemies.

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  14. Trust in double-dealers was the fatal mistake. Turkey has repeatedly proven that it cannot be trusted. If Russia seeks genuine cooperation from Turkey, it must pressure Turkey to the point of desperation. Otherwise, Erdogan will betray Russia at the first opportunity. The Caucasus is where Russia must correct its mistakes and take its revenge on Erdogan.

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    • Türkiye has called Assad many times. He said let’s sit down, let’s talk, let’s finish our problems. Arrogant Assad did not accept.
      Russia should have put pressure on Assad on this issue.

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  15. Your stance seems to align with Russian nationalism, and it comes across as though your priorities are more focused on national interests rather than genuine concern for others. It seems like Russia, Turkey, and Assad may have reached an agreement, potentially leveraging Turkey against the USA

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  16. During this decade Russia has removed many big Syrian cities from planet Earth, literally reduced to ashes with all the population inside. Besides, you have mass murder the whole population of other big cities with illegal gas weapons, killing them all. Millions and millions of Syrians had to flee around the world to escape the brutalities you have done in Syria. You have supported the underground torture chamber where 100.000 normal civilians who don’t agree with the dictator Asad nor with Russia have been systematically tortured and kept there for decades. Many children were born in those chambers, out of systematic rape, they don’t even know the daylight, nor how to speak. You did that to use Syria as a military hub to send troops to kill people in Africa and Middle East and sustain dictators, and as a hug to get diamonds and gold from Africa that you sell in the GLOBALIST MARKET (because Russia is massively globalist) so to finance mass murder in Ukraine… and you say you help people???? MURDERER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  17. This is a step up from your other delusional post claiming Syria “was a trap for Edogan”. Unfortunately, this is not even Russia’s weakest link… that honor goes to the many unstable stans directly on Russia’s border which are one by one being turned against Russia. Simply look at Kazakhstan which Russia saved from a coup diligently implementing Western Sanctions and looking to France for nuclear energy weeks after a so-called successful conflict. Russian leadership needs to wake up from the 19th century fantasy of pieces of paper having any weight.

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  18. I see that Russia does not pay attention to the Kurds in Iran and Syria as well. Remember that the Kurdish people are significant actor in the region and that will be helpful for both Russian and Kurdish to have a strong relationship.

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  19. Los ‘globalistas’ son un partido político o una corporación, etc., que se han inventado para darle sentido a una multipolaridad más virtual que la de los ‘no alineados’. La multipolaridad, de haberla, es una pirámide ‘económica’ sin escalones ‘significativos’ y, por ejemplo, la de China que debería ser ‘plana’ tiene más escalones que la ‘Stairway to Heaven de Led Zeppelin’. La distribución de poder sin un céntimo para ‘corromper’ se arregla con la ‘Rule of Law’. Pero si no hay deferencias relevantes en céntimos, ¡oiga, China, Mr Putin!, devuélvanos la Libertad de pensar, por ejemplo, como el Dalai Lama o, quizás, al menos como piensan sin gatillos los alienígenas.

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  20. The “globalists” are a political party or corporation, etc., invented to rationalize a multipolarity that is more virtual than that of the “non-aligned” movement. If multipolarity truly exists for everyone, it resembles an ‘economic’ pyramid without ‘significant’ steps. For example, China, which ought to have a ‘flat’ structure, seems to have more steps than Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven.” The distribution of power without a single cent available to ‘corrupt’ is resolved through the ‘Rule of Law.’ But if there are no meaningful differences in cents, then hey, China, Mr. Putin! Give us back the freedom to think—like the Dalai Lama, for instance, or at least as freely as aliens who think without triggers.

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  21. Allah Kur’an’ı Kerim ayetlerinde der ki; Yeryüzünde her zaman iki farklı grup vardır. Bu gruplardan bir tanesi Kötülüğü diğeri ise İyiliği temsil eder. Kureselciler ve kurumları kötülüğü temsil eder.Allah bu kötü gruba dair Onlar Her Zaman 1-0 Önde gitsinler der. Bunun ardından derki Allah kötülerin planlarını görmek ve yapacaklarını bilmek ister. Allah zaten herşeyi bilendir.Boylece kötünün mutlak olan yapmasini ve eyleme geçmesini bekler. Sonra der ki Onların bir planı varsa, Allah’ın da bir planı vardır. Allah plan yapanlarin en mükemmeldir. SİONİST Kureselciler planlarını yaptılar ve uygulamaya geçtiler. Şimdi Allah’ın planını bekliyor olacağız.

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  22. Globalists ??? ,
    THE F.O.E .
    THE 10 FORCES OF EVIL in the world 🌍 🌎

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  23. Once again it turned out that Russia is unable to protect its allies. People will remember what happened in Yugoslavia, Armenia and Syria.

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  24. Perfectamente descrito. Y en occidente cada día que pasa los ciudadanos se dan cuenta de lo que significa la agenda 2030, y a que se dedican esas élites globalistas …y quienes son los culpables de tanto conflicto criminal y asesino. Recordemos que solo ha habido un país capaz de lanzar no una sino dos bombas atómicas sobre población inocente ….EEUU. Ese país tan decadente social, cultural y moralmente NO puede dar lecciones de nada…la suerte que han tenido es que tras la segunda guerra mundial y el apoyo del sionismo han controlado Europa y todos los resortes de organizaciones internacionales pero ese modelo está agotado…es cuestión de tiempo o aceptan la nueva realidad multipolar o la guerra es inevitable y ahí Europa de nuevo será arrasada…un continente como Europa con población envejecida, sin gente para luchar y con inmigración culturalmente en el extremo que no solo siembra de la discordia y choca con una civilización cristiana sino que la está matando económica y socialmente y en caso de conflicto no estarán del lado de Europa. EUROPA o se aleja de EEUU o va a ser arrasada a todos los niveles

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  25. Russia could have taken the syrian christians and shiates. they abandoned them! the blood of those groups will also be russias hands.

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  26. How is that killing and bombarding the majority saves the minority in Syria.

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  27. Mr Dugin is learned and worthy…

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  28. Dear Mr. Dugin, you were considering turkey as a natural partner of Eurasia in your 4th theory. When Russia will come to understand that Turkey is nothing but a “ROLE” in the hands of the globalists. You have turned down the Armenians, humiliated them to the maximum, abandond them and gave a blind eye for the turks in turkey and azerbaijan to once again commit ethnic cleansing and occupation..! We, the Armenians of Western Armenia had great hopes in Russia and were ready to long term strategic cooperation, but all we received from Russia was total ignorance..! Regrets are not for great nations. We, the Armenians, may regret, many mistakes. But Russia, has no right to find itself in regretful situation if you want to be a changing force in our world. Karnig Sarkissian, head of the National Council of Western Armenia.

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    • Trust in double-dealers was the fatal mistake. Turkey has repeatedly proven that it cannot be trusted. If Russia seeks genuine cooperation from Turkey, it must pressure Turkey to the point of desperation. Otherwise, Erdogan will betray Russia at the first opportunity. The Caucasus is where Russia must correct its mistakes and take its revenge on Erdogan.

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    • Rus savaş uçakları Suriye’de binlerce sivili öldürdü ve milyonlarca sivil insan yurtlarından çıkmak zorunda kaldı.Osmanlidan sonra Ortadoğu’da hiç birzaman huzur gelmedi.Her bölgesel güç kendi siyaseti için insanları harcadı.Irkları birbirine düşüren küresel sistemin en büyük düşmanı Dinlerdir Dinlerin icersindede İslamdır.Gelin Eskiden olduğu gibi bu bölgeye çıkarlarımız birakarak barışın gelmesi için çalışın.

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