
2023 Review: How China is Catching Up with the US in Key Tech Domains?

While China demonstrates formidable strength in several areas, it still faces challenges in others, particularly in achieving global influence in specific technologies. As both China and the US contin...

Why hasn’t the High Salary Blue-Collar Job Become Desirable?

In the era of transitioning from "Made in China" to "Intelligent Manufacturing in China," the development of blue-collar should and will receive more attention.

The Tragicomedy of Innovation I Personally Experienced

Many companies competed fiercely, some succeeded, while others were eliminated. However, for enterprises, there are no permanent winners, only perpetual innovators, and the same applies to the country...

2023 Review: Who is Winning in Key Tech Domains?

Is the US's technological war and sanctions slowing China's rise, or is China closing the gap faster than expected?

The Tech of Saving Lives in Massive Earthquake, Drones, Aircraft, Satellites | THREHSOLD

From the daring skydives of 2008's Wenchuan earthquake to the high-tech drone and satellite response of the 2023 Gansu quake. Witness China's remarkable shift from human bravery to advanced technology...

Chinese People’s Dilemma: Saving or Investing after Deposit Rate Cuts

On December 22nd, several major banks announced another reduction in deposit interest rates. For common Chinese people who prefer savings, the question of whether or not to deposit money has become a ...

After Neoliberalism, the Two Major Parties in the United States still cannot Find a Direction.

The traditional US coalitions of left and right face battles they were not set up to fight.

NASA Requests China’s Moon Samples, As China Landed 10 Years on the Moon | THRESHOLD

Recent Sci&Tech trends in China: 1. China has landed on the moon for 10 years 2. NASA urges researchers to reach out for China’s Chang’e 5 moon samples, sidestepping US ban 3. World’s first fourt...

The highlights of China’s 2023 Central Economic Work Conference

The annual Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 11th to 12th as Chinese leaders decided priorities for the economic work in 2024. Here are some highlights that the China...

An Australian View on China and the Emerging Multipolar World

The West should not ignore a new multipolar reality where power and influence are distributed amongst other nations. China does not wish to dominate the world, but it does want to share with others.

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