Making Sense of China’s Global Development Initiative

Aiming to tackle global risks and challenges, China poses various propositions. China’s Global Development Initiative (GDI) is a relatively novel one but how to understand it?

The Wisdom Behind China’s Global Initiatives-Development, Security & Harmony

China has achieved the mission of alleviating hundreds of millions of its population from poverty and made great progress in many fields. Will its development lead to conflict with other countries?

How China Auto Exports, Belt and Road Initiative Deeply Connected

How do China's EV cars take the leading position in the world today? The answer can be found in the industrial policies they have designed.

G7 and China-Central Asia Summit: Diverging Concerns Between the North and the South

Is the China-Central Asia Summit (CCAS) an answer to the G7, a pushback against NATO and this group? Is China applying long term “Economic Coercion”

How to trigger 1.4 billion Chinese people with five words?

One of China's leading comedy production companies received a two billion US dollar fine because of a distasteful joke made by one of its comedians.

GenZ in China and US: From ‘Quiet Quitting” to “Lying Flat” | OVERLAP

The term "quiet quitting" has taken social media by storm in both China and the US and it is particularly favored by the Gen Z in the workplace. How does "quite quitting", or "Lying flat" as it is cal...

A Comprehensive Strategy for Boosting Domestic Consumption Is Very Much Needed

With the recession of the global economy, boosting domestic consumption will indubitably be an arduous and at times frustrating process. Will China succeed?

China’s Abandoned Illusion of High Growth

China’s slowing economic growth is a reflection of a new policy approach by the central government. Instead of chasing rapid growth rates at a time when the world economy is sputtering, China’s govern...

Leaders Line Up to Visit Beijing Instead of D.C. | Speak Softly

Within a week, leaders from four countries paid a visit to the re-elected General Secretary Xi. Is it a signal of the world drifting away from the old order?