
From Flight Attendants to New Energy Vehicle Salesman: Young People are Lost in a Gold Rush

With the rapid development of the new energy industry, undoubtedly, switching to a booming industry is currently the best time for job seekers, but how long this trend will last is still unknown.

TikTok Owner ByteDance Swallows A Bitter Pill in its Game Business

From the education business to the smart hardware and gaming business, ByteDance has continually positioned itself in new businesses around hot trends. However, many of them became abandoned projects.

The next “TikTok” is eating the U.S. Internet

There is no time for the US to worry about the risk of the popularity of TikTok. The next "TikTok" is eating the U.S. internet now. The U.S. will continuously confront a new wave of cultural invasion ...

High temporary employment rate of hospitals challenges the primary medical system

Although China has made great achievements in poverty alleviation at the grassroots level, this does not mean that the resources and allocation in China fully meet the needs of the grassroots people. ...

The Rejection of China by Wealthy Nations: Why?

There is a saying in the media: Today, only developing countries are willing to make friends with China. The relationship between China and the Western developed countries seems to become ambiguous or...

The “secret deal” that Western media never tell you in China’s BRI

Western media will only exaggerate how evil and failed the Belt and Road Initiative is. They never tell you how many benefits many multinational companies have taken from BRI.

Gina Raimondo visits China. Bringing the “Carrot and Stick” in the most boring, American way.

On August 27th, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo arrived in Beijing, commencing a four-day visit to China. Her portfolio covers the area of technology exports, which is a focal point in Sino-A...

Chinese real estate giants struggle as CPC aims to improve housing inequality

Evergrande Group, one of China’s largest real estate developers has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States. Also, the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics has suspended the release of t...

Rising from Within: Cornerstones and Future Prospects of China’s Approach to Multilateralism

China's new foreign policy and economic initiatives are an indication of its rising confidence, and they will definitely result in redefining China's role in the region and around the world. Here is a...