
Will India’s New Megaproject Help Surpass China?

India has announced another grand plan: building 300 airports within 13 years! Will it help surpass China in infrastructure?

US Inserts Itself into China-India Relations Amid Waning Legitimacy for Backing Israel

We’ve heard speculations of an India-China thaw on the horizon after Modi secured his third term as president. Now, the US wants to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Why India is Hit So Hard by China-India Tensions?

According to major Indian press, the China-India tensions have resulted in a $15 billion loss for India's electronics industry and the loss of 100,000 jobs.

Will Modi’s Re-Election Lead India to Overtake China?

What makes China's per capita GDP 5 times that of India?

“US fears India, so their lobby interferes in our elections”

The US believes they are at the center of the universe. Other countries should be their follower. They cannot accept the rise of Asia countries like Russia, India, and China.

Former Foreign Secretary of India: How We See a Rising China?

From an Indian perspective, China is benchmarking itself against the US, rather than considering itself on par with India.

Former Foreign Secretary of India: How We See China

Border dispute has brought China and India to a critical crossroad. Time is needed to reach common ground, but time is running out.