
Putin Meets Top Chinese General, Enhancing the Constructive Ties Between China and Russia

November 9, 2023

Putin Meets Top Chinese General, Enhancing the Constructive Ties Between China and Russia

On November 8, Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Zhang Youxia, the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China in Moscow. Zhang Youxia conveyed President Xi Jinping’s warm greetings and best wishes to President Putin.

Zhang Youxia stated that the China-Russia friendship continues to grow and strengthen over time. In this year, China and Russia have achieved several successful meetings and a series of important consensus. China is willing to work with Russia to jointly safeguard the interests of both countries as well as world and regional prosperity and stability.

During the meeting, Putin emphasized, “Russia and China are not seeking to create any military alliances using Cold War-era templates.” Points out that although military cooperation is becoming increasingly important, China and Russia are currently paying more attention to the economic front and have been quite effective in these efforts, which is a positive momentum in bilateral trade and economic ties.


New Round of Sino-US Economic and Trade Dialogue Commences

At the invitation of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, He Lifeng, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, and the Chinese lead for Sino-US economic and trade, departed for San Francisco on November 8 to visit the United States.

This trip is to implement the consensus reached at the meeting between the heads of the two countries in Bali – during the Bali meeting, the two heads of state agreed that the financial teams of the two countries would conduct dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policies and economic and trade issues.

In September of this year, to implement the important consensus of the meeting in Bali, China and the US agreed to establish working groups in the economic field, including the “Economic Working Group” and the “Financial Working Group”. Half a month ago, the Sino-US Economic Working Group and the Sino-US Financial Working Group held their first meetings respectively. This visit to the US will contribute to strengthening cooperation between China and the US in the economic field.

Sino-US relations are a hot topic on the Chinese internet. The general consensus among Chinese netizens is that a possible win-win of Sino-US relations is beneficial for economic development for both countries.


The Number of Online Medical Service Users in China Reaches 364 Million

On November 8, the China Internet Development Report 2023 and the World Internet Development Report 2023 were unveiled during the prestigious 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit.

According to the report, as of June, an impressive 364 million individuals in China were utilizing Internet healthcare services, showcasing the profound integration of digital technology into people’s daily lives. Furthermore, an average of 68,000 disabled individuals annually found employment opportunities through the Internet in China, underscoring the transformative power of digital platforms.

In addition to its domestic advancements, China has demonstrated its commitment to global digital public services enhancement. The country has actively engaged in international collaboration, particularly in the realm of internet-based poverty alleviation.

The release of these reports signifies China’s dedication to fostering digital innovation, expanding internet access, and utilizing technology for the betterment of society at large.

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