
Ma returns to Taiwan; calls to recognize historical connections

April 12, 2024

Ma returns to Taiwan; calls to recognize historical connections

Former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang party Ma Ying-jeou returned to the island of Taiwan on Thursday after having led a delegation of young people from Taiwan on an 11-day visit to the mainland. Analysts said that while the mainland has shown positive signs to promote the cross-Straits peace and development, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities are purposely misinterpreting the goodwill of the mainland to reject reunification. People in Taiwan should be cautioned against the DPP’s such acts, they said.

At the Taoyuan airport in Taipei, Ma told reporters that his visit to the mainland allowed Taiwan’s youth to deeply understand Chinese history and culture. He said that although Taiwan and the mainland have different political systems, as well as different perspectives and values, we are all descendants of the Yan and Huang emperors, according to a report from Taiwan’s news outlet

Taiwan’s youth should set aside ideological differences and recognize the historical and cultural connections between Taiwan island and the mainland. These connections cannot be severed by politics. Ma said he believes that people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, as Chinese, can resolve disputes peacefully as long as there is a common political foundation – the 1992 Consensus, which allows for continued dialogue between the two sides.


US, Japan slammed as ‘real threats to regional peace’ with ‘Cold War mentality’

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Thursday slammed the US and Japan’s “Cold War mentality” and their acts that undermine regional peace and stability, after US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida unveiled a range of moves aimed at deepening military ties, ahead of their summit with Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr, which is also regarded as having an eye on countering China, especially over the South China Sea issues.

“Despite China’s serious concerns, the US and Japan attacked and smeared China on the Taiwan question and maritime issues, grossly interfered in China’s domestic affairs and violated the basic norms in international relations. China deplores and opposes it, and has made serious démarches to relevant parties,” said Mao Ning, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, at a press briefing on Thursday.

Mao stressed that US-Japan relations should not target other countries, harm their interests or undermine regional peace and stability. “China firmly opposes the Cold War mentality and small group politics. China firmly rejects anything that creates and drives up tensions and may undermine other countries’ strategic security and interests.”

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