
HK LegCo passes landmark bill in 'historic moment' to tackle national security loopholes

March 20, 2024

HK LegCo passes landmark bill in ‘historic moment’ to tackle national security loopholes

Hong Kong lawmakers unanimously passed the highly anticipated bill mandated by Article 23 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong on Tuesday following marathon sessions during which all lawmakers expressed their strong support for the law, which was first proposed more than 20 years ago. It is expected to play a crucial role in addressing the city’s national security loopholes, forming a solid national security shield with the National Security Law (NSL) for Hong Kong by preventing the US-led West’s subversion, infiltration, incitement and espionage activities in the city.

The bill will be gazetted on Saturday and will take effect from then, John Lee, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) said after the voting.

The law enables Hong Kong to effectively prevent, suppress and punish espionage activities, conspiracies and traps from foreign intelligence agencies, and infiltration and sabotage by hostile forces, Lee said.

We can effectively prevent “black-clad violence” and “color revolution.” We can effectively prevent “Hong Kong independence” and violent destruction, he added.


Chinese FM: China-Australia relation not targeted at third party, nor should be influenced by any third party

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong in Canberra on Wednesday that “Since the relationship between China and Australia is on the right track, we should not hesitate, deviate, or backtrack, and the development of the bilateral ties is not targeted at any third party, nor should it be influenced or interfered with by any third party.”

The Chinese Foreign Minister said this is an important year that carries on the past and opens up the future. Building on the good momentum of bilateral relations so far, and both China and Australia should “work together to create the future” and, with a more proactive attitude, jointly build a more mature, stable, and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership.


China firmly opposes Taiwan politician’s official contacts with Czech

China urges the Czech Republic to honor its promises to strictly restrain certain individual politicians from sabotaging China-Czech relations, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said during a regular press conference on Tuesday.

Lin made the remarks in response to a question about Taiwan’s so-called vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim visiting the Czech Republic and giving a speech at a think tank. Lin said explicitly that Taiwan is a province of China and does not have a vice president.

Lin said that China strongly opposes official interaction of any form between China’s Taiwan region and countries that have diplomatic relations with China, and this position is consistent and clear.

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