contributors_Ding Yifan

Ding Yifan
Senior fellow at Taihe institute, senior fellow at the insitute of global governance and development, Renmin university of China, president of China society of France studies.

Featured Works
English works:

Crisis of Globalization and Chinese Solution

New Dynamics of Development:The Crisis of Globalization and China’s Solutions

Chinese works:”US Global Hegemony’s Paradoxes(《民主悖论》),” “The Revelation of Sovereign Debts Crisis in the Euro Zone(《欧债危机启示录》),” “The Era of the Euro(《欧元时代》),” “The Ups and Downs of Sino-European Relationss(《跌宕起伏的中欧关系》),” and ten other Chinese monographs.

Ding Yifan is now a senior fellow at Taihe institute, senior fellow at the insitute of global governance and development, Renmin university of China, president of China society of France studies.
Previously, he was deputy director of the Institute of World Development, under the State Council’s Development Research Center, member of international economic and financial consulting committee of ministery of foreign affairs, member of consulting committee of ministery of commerce, member of China’s economic and social council, member of Chinese people’s institute of foreign affairs, academic board member of Chinese academy of social sciences’ department of international studies, and vice-chairman of China society of world economics, chair professor at Beijing Foreign Studies university.
He published broadly in English and French in newspapers as well as in academic journals, and wrote articles as independent chapters included in other scholars’ edited books. He is often solicited by Chinese news media to comment on international and national news.

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