Contributors / Advisory Board
Aleksandr Dugin
Russian philosopher and public activist, doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Alexander Dugin is the founder of the Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement, he is considered as one of the most important exponents of modern Russian conservative thought in the line of Slavophiles.

Featured Works
Foundation of Geopolitics(Основы геополитики), Arktogeja, Russia,1997
Fourth Political Theory(Четвертая политическая теория), Amfora,Russia,2009
The Theory of a Multipolar World, Noomakhia (24 volumes), Arktos Media, 2021
The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset, Arktos, Russia (2021)
Since 1998, Dugin was named an adviser on geopolitics to Gennadii Seleznev. Seleznev was chairman (or "speaker") of the Russian State Duma and a major player in Russian politics.
2008-2014, head of Department of Sociology of International Relations in Sociological Faculty of Moscow State University.
In 2019, Professor Dugin was appointed as a senior fellow at Fudan University in China.
Professor Dugin has written more than 60 books, the influence of his thought on modern-day Russia (including political leaders) recognizes not only his followers but also his philosophical and political opponents. The ideas of Dugin are sometimes judged controversial or nonconformist but almost all agree that they are inspiring and original.
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