
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Holds Talks with US, Iran and Turkey, Seeking Cease-Fire in Palestine

October 16, 2023

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Holds Talks with US, Iran and Turkey, Seeking Cease-Fire in Palestine

Over the weekend,  Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held discussions with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as well as the foreign ministers of Iran and Turkey, regarding the current tense situation in the Middle East.

Wang Yi emphasized that China’s stance represents a just position and is a demonstration of China’s responsible approach. China has no self-interest in the conflict and has consistently stood on the side of peace, fairness, and justice.

Wang pointed out that in response to the severe situation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, China believes that an immediate ceasefire is of paramount importance. China will provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian National Authority through the United Nations. Wang Yi stated that the root cause of the Palestinian issue lies in the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people, which has yet to be rectified. China believes that only with the full implementation of the “two-state solution” can genuine peace be achieved in the Middle East.

China’s Special Envoy on Middle East Affairs, Zhai Jun, will embark on a week-long visit to relevant countries in the Middle East starting on the 16th to further enhance coordination.

Up to now, four Chinese citizens have lost their lives in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, six are injured, and two remain missing.


Influencers Will Be Required To Show Their Real Names On Weibo

Accroding to a Weibo post on October 14th, by the end of October, influencers with over 1 million followers will be required to display their real names on their front page of Weibo.

Some people support this possible measure, saying it will greatly increase the cost of rumor-mongering, therefore help to create a more transparent and healthy Internet environment. However, more netizens are worried about the privacy. In their opinion, influencers will be afraid to voice their opinions out of fear of cyber violence, leading to a collective silence on the internet.


Human Trafficker Sentenced To Five Years’ Prison For Abducting Two Boys

Wu Feilong, the ringleader in the high-profile abductions of two boys in South China in 2007, was sentenced to five years in prison by the Nanshan District People’s Court in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, on Friday.

Wu was also ordered to pay the biological parents of Sun Zhuo 420,000 yuan (~$57,506) in compensation, and the same amount to the biological parents of Fu Jiantao.

In 2007, Sun Zhuo was three-and-a-half years old and Fu Jiantao was 4 years old when they were abducted by Wu. In 2021, Sun Zhuo’s parents finally reunited with their abducted son after 14-year search. Sun’s parents’ quest to find his son — which had them travel across China and offer 200,000 yuan (more than $31,000) as a reward — inspired the hit movie “Dearest”. The 2014 hit drew public attention to the problem of child abductions in China.

Sun Zhuo is but one of 8,307 missing or abducted children who have been found since the ministry launched an operation to track down missing and abducted children five years ago, according to the ministry’s Criminal Investigations Bureau.

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