
China’s Top Diplomat Meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister

February 19, 2024

China’s Top Diplomat Meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister

On February 18, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi met at request with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on the margins of the Munich Security Conference.

Wang Yi noted that China and Ukraine are strategic partners and our two peoples have long enjoyed friendly exchanges. There is a traditional friendship between the people of China and Ukraine. Wang Yi also expressed gratitude for Ukraine’s help at the emergency evacuation of the Chinese nationals.

Wang Yi stated that on the Ukraine issue, China has always been standing on the side of peace and dialogue, and insisted on promoting peace talks. China does not want to see the crisis being prolonged and escalated and is willing to work with the international community to prevent the situation from getting worse and strive to bring about peace.

Kuleba said that Ukraine and China have kept contact all along the past year. Ukraine wants to realize peace much more than any other countries.  Ukraine values China’s status and important influence on international arena, as well as China’s stance on a political settlement to the crisis. Ukraine expects China to continue its constructive role.


China’s First Homegrown Passenger Jet C919 Attend Singapore Airshow

China’s first self-developed narrow-body aircraft C919 arrived at Singapore’s Changi Airport on February 17th, ready to make its debut in an international air show. The first C919 took off at the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 8:04 pm on Friday, successfully conducting a direct flight of around 4,200 kilometers, arriving at Singapore at 01:49 am on February 17th.

This C919 aircraft is the world’s first domestic large passenger aircraft received by China Eastern Airlines for commercial use, and has previously been put into use on Shanghai-Chengdu and Beijing routes.

At the airshow media conference held on the 18th, the C919 attracted a lot of attention and was repeatedly mentioned by media from all over the world. During the Singapore Airshow, five domestic commercial aircraft produced by COMAC, including the C919 aircraft painted by China Eastern Airlines, will meet with the public for ground display and demonstration flights, which is the first time for Chinese domestic commercial aircrafts to The aerial performances attract aerobatic teams from India, Australia, Indonesia and South Korea. The United States Air Force’s B-52 bomber will also make a flypast at the airshow.


Chinese Tourists Stranded on Hainan Island Due to Return Ticket Shortages

As the Chinese New Year holiday comes to an end, China’s transport sector is experiencing a peak in return trips. Visitors to Hainan, one of China’s most popular tourist destinations, have been left stranded after a mixture of bad luck or bad planning left them struggling to get off the tropical island in time to get back home. 2024 Spring Festival passenger traffic in Hainan increased greatly, the overall year-on-year growth in more than 30%. EV owners on holiday in Hainan complained that it was extremely difficult to leave the island, with boat tickets sold out by the end of the month, and some EV owners choosing to abandon their vehicles and take a flight, which has risen to more than 10,000 yuan. According to the relevant departments of Haikou City, as of 15:00 on the 18th, the total number of vehicles booked to leave the island is about 17,200. 9,800 of them have been transported out of the island. And about 7,400 vehicles are booked to leave the island throughout the day. All waiting car parks in the three harbours of Haikou are saturated.

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