
China-Nauru ties open a new chapter in history

March 26, 2024

China-Nauru ties open a new chapter in history

Nauru’s political decision to adhere to the one-China principle and restore diplomatic ties with China in January is a move that conforms to the trend of history and the times, Chinese President Xi Jinping told visiting Nauruan President David Adeang on Monday in Beijing

Xi said China-Nauru relations have opened a new chapter in history, and China is ready to work with Nauru to create a better future of China-Nauru relations and bring more benefits to the two peoples. Friendship, whenever it is started, will have a bright future. Cooperation, whatever its size, will be productive as long as it is sincere, Xi said, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Experts said that China’s relationship with Nauru, which is based on mutual respect and support, is likely to serve as a model for the Pacific Island Countries (PICs). Moreover, the reason why the PICs have preferred deepening their relationship with China is that, unlike the West, China’s approach is characterized by long-term commitment, equality, and genuine support for their development, rather than driven by geopolitical competition.


As CDF concludes, attention turns to Boao Forum, as China holds back-to-back meetings with foreign leaders, businesses

High-level Chinese officials on Monday met with heads of global organizations and business leaders as the China Development Forum (CDF) concluded in Beijing, reaffirming China’s pursuit of high-quality development and high-level opening-up to create more opportunities for the world.

With the conclusion of the CDF, global attention is now turning to the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), which is set to kick off its annual conference in Boao, South China’s Hainan Province on Tuesday, with regional leaders, government officials, business executives and scholars from Asia and around the world expected to attend the forum, which is looking to promote unity and cooperation to tackle regional and global challenges.

Both the CDF and the BFA provide a crucial window for countries and businesses in Asia and beyond to view China’s economic outlook, opening-up measures as well as its plan to promote peace and development in Asia and around the world. And the back-to-back forums further underscored China’s commitment to expanding high-level opening-up and its contribution to peace and development in the region and around the world, in contrast to the US’ irresponsible attempt to create division and tension, experts noted.

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