
China calls for 'comprehensive, effective implementation' of UNSC resolutions for Gaza cease-fire

June 12, 2024

China calls for ‘comprehensive, effective implementation’ of UNSC resolutions for Gaza cease-fire

On June 10, the UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted a resolution aimed at reaching a comprehensive cease-fire deal drafted by the US in three phases to end the war in Gaza, with China, which voted in favor, calling for all UNSC resolutions to be implemented in a comprehensive and effective manner while expressing concern that the US-drafted text is still ambiguous in a number of aspects.

Chinese analysts from state media said on Tuesday that although the US claimed that Israel has accepted the deal and Palestinian group Hamas also said it accepts the deal and is ready to negotiate on details, to what extent the resolution can be implemented is still in question, as the conflicting parties lack mutual trust. If there are further incidents or disagreements during the three phases of the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, the conflict will continue, so the US-drafted deal is fragile. China will play a role for peace and will make full efforts to mediate the crisis.  

Adopted by a large majority with 14 votes in favor and Russia abstaining, Resolution 2735 also urges both parties to the conflict to fully implement the terms of the proposal “without delay and without condition.”


Chinese Premier to visit New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia

Premier Li Qiang will pay official visits to New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia from June 13 to 20, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson announced Tuesday, stating the visits will focus on enhancing communications and friendship and exploring new potential for cooperation.

During his visit to New Zealand, Premier Li will have meetings and talks with Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro and Prime Minister Christopher Luxon for in-depth exchange of views on China-New Zealand relationship and international and regional issues of mutual interest, according to Lin Jian, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

During his visit to Australia, Premier Li will co-chair the ninth China-Australia Annual Leaders’ Meeting with Prime Minister Albanese and engage extensively with people from various walks of life to exchange views on China-Australia relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest. The two prime ministers will also jointly attend the China-Australia CEO Roundtable Meeting.

The spokesperson also introduced Premier Li’s visit to Malaysia. Lin said that China and Malaysia are neighbors across the sea with a time-honored friendship. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations half a century ago, bilateral ties have enjoyed a sound momentum of growth, with deepening strategic mutual trust, fruitful high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and increasingly closer cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

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