

Discovering Theia: Alien Clues Inside Earth’s Mantle | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: Ancient Alien Rocks May Be Buried Deep Within Earth Since Its Birth

Why are China and the US Making Human-Like Robots? | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: New Frontier of Sino-US competition: Robotics

US Clamps Down on AI Chip Exports to China. Will It Work This Time? | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: The new US export controls immediately restricting NVIDIA's top AI chips abruptly end 30-day procurement ‘window period’ , expediting China's shift to local alternatives as it works to bo...

China Forges Ahead in Next-Gen AI Chips, Moon Mission and Quantum Computing | THRESHOLD

Lead Story: Chinese Scientists Develop Groundbreaking AI Chip Inspired by the Brain: 97% Energy Reduction with Advanced Computing Performance

Why is lithography so important in China-U.S. tech war? | THRESHOLD

Why are lithography machines so important in China-US tech war? Why is everyone talking about them? Is it so difficult to make one, and can China develop cutting-edge lithography machines independentl...

China’s Secret Weapon to Win the Chip War?| THRESHOLD

A lithography technology called SSMB-EUV has recently created a buzz in China. There are claims that China can build an "EUV factory" to replace ASML's EUV lithography machines, circumventing US sanct...

How US Chip Controls Forced China to Build its Chip Tech?| THRESHOLD

Just as Huawei has left the world in a frenzy with its latest device, Chinese scientists are making remarkable breakthroughs on the next generation of semiconductors: Chinese scientists unveil 12-inch...

Huawei: Defeated U.S. Sanctions and Challenged iPhone | THRESHOLD

Chinese-made 7nm chips in Huawei phone; The race between China & US to replicate the sun on earth; Humans nearly wiped out a million year ago