Thinkers Forum


Shifting Power: From West to the Rest

What is power? Who is the most powerful person on earth? What happens when two superpowers clash? How is the world of power changing the world?

Where Does China Stand in the World Today?

What role does Asia play in the 21st century? How did China achieve its current state and what impact will it have on the global landscape?

The China Model: A Viable Alternative to the Western Model?

How does the Chinese model compare to the US model, can other countries imitate the rise of China, and what lessons can be learned from China’s development?

China Air Force Strategist: USAF’s flawed thinking has doomed the F35

What caused the $2 trillion F35 project to flop so hard? This Chinese military strategist pinpointed the answer in his book a quarter-century ago.

Why the West “takes pleasure” in seeing the genocide in Palestine?

Oberg contends that if the West truly prioritized human rights, it would pursue more consistent diplomatic and economic measures to resolve conflicts.

Elon Musk, Good Luck to You

Will Tesla turn India into the next China in the EV industry? Is it a wise decision for Elon Musk to invest in EV manufacturing in India?

Scholz’s China Visit: Opportunities Amidst US De-Risking?

Will Germany follow in the footsteps of the United States and ban the entry of China's electric vehicle industry into its market?

Former Foreign Secretary of India: How We See China

Border dispute has brought China and India to a critical crossroad. Time is needed to reach common ground, but time is running out.

I Tried to Solve the Moscow Attack Mystery, and Here is What I Found

Is Ukraine to blame for the Moscow terrorist attack? Professor Shen Yi seeks to figure out who stands to benefit the most from the attack.