Thinkers Forum

This is what I fund in Xinjiang, China!

Western media has fabricated many rumors about Xinjiang, China. However, when you actually visit Xinjiang, you'll find that the reality is quite different.

US will be Diplomatically Isolated for how it Handled Israel-Palestine Conflict

Blocking the two-state solution is actually blocking peace and the real solution of the Palestine-Israel conflict. No country has a veto against world opinion.

Will Modi’s Re-Election Lead India to Overtake China?

What makes China's per capita GDP 5 times that of India?

China’s Unification Process Has Already Begun

Chinese expert on international issues:"'One Country, One System' will be the ultimate fate for Taiwan, leaving no other options for its future."

Is China’s Economy Really in Trouble?

Is China experiencing an economic recession? Can China rely on its institutional advantages to address this challenge?

China or US: Who is Arab countries backing in the high tech race?

How to understand President Xi's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum?

Democracy in South Africa, 30 years on from Nelson Mandela

On 29th May, South Africans voted in what are expected to be the most competitive elections since the end of apartheid. Will ANC party lose its majority since 1994?

US VS China: Influence Battle in EU

Though under the pressure of America, voices of resistance have emerged in Europe, with France and Germany explicitly refusing to disengage with China.

China Hosts CASCF: Strengthening Influence in the Middle East?

Since the first China-Arab States Summit, significant progress has been made in building a community with a shared future. China-Arab ties are now stronger than ever.