Thinkers Forum

Southeast Asia Knows How to Deal With China; The U.S. Doesn’t

Why is the Western mind closed when it comes to China?

Will U.S. Investment Limits Hinder China’s Tech Growth or Backfire?

Claiming to be a defender of the free market, the United States has once again acted against free market principles, digging a grave for American capital.

It’s Too Late for Biden To Change His Policy Now

Biden risks ‘losing entire generation of voters’ over his Gaza policy.

A Right-Turning Europe Relies on China More Than Ever

Former finance minister of Greece argued that China's demand for German exports kept Germany alive.

U.S. Role in South China Sea Tensions: China vs. Philippines

Though inciting the Philippines to provoke China in the South China Sea, the US won't truly support the Philippines if the clash escalates.

EU tariffs on Chinese EVs, who is the victim?

The EU is backfiring for tariffing Chinese EVs. German mittlestands suffer first.

Jeffrey Sachs: How did US Lose Self-control in Internal Politics

Money corrupted American politics in the American way, in the free market way. It was quote, legal corruption.

This Dialogue Unveils the Key to Asia’s Win-Win for 2 Billion People

Former Malaysian Foreign Minister reaffirmed that a binary approach of "with us or against us" is not their position.

Russia Halts Dollar Trade: Chain Reaction in Global Finance On the Horizon

A landmark event in the history of de-dollarization