Thinkers Forum

The Danger of History Unchecked in the Age of Misinformation: A Recent Debate in US Sinology

In this age of misinformation, if we allow our desire for the extraordinary to run unchecked, we will soon face a full blown “crisis of competence.”

The US is mentally too healthy to further fund Ukraine like the UK

Why Britain and the U.S. behave so differently when it comes to aid to Ukraine?

In the Upheaval of the Middle East, What can China do?

In a region where my enemy’s enemy is not necessarily my friend, China’s traditional neutrality makes sense. But China is also the only major power that is friendly with the regional players. This is ...

How a ‘vulnerable’ China can resolve its Indian Ocean security dilemma

The best way to protect Chinese interests overseas is to blend them with the interests of others. Beijing does not need to look elsewhere for inspiration. Since 2008, Chinese flotillas have escorted s...

How the US Keeps Fighting China, Knowing It Won’t Win?

Radhika Desai, Director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, explains what's the driving forces behind this obsession.

Russian Anthropologist: How AI has Changed the Ukrainian War?

Today we are happy to have Professor of the Russian State University of Humanities, he will reveal to us how AI has changed the Ukrainian battlefield in 2023.

After years of being a dude, star panda finally discovers her true gender

In this episode of China Currents: male star panda found to be female; China lost in Asian football cup; Chinese Ambassador to the United States held a meeting with the Director of the U.S. White Hous...

Ten Years of The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: What has Changed?

According to data provided by the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, by the end of 2022, the CPEC had brought in a total of $25.4 billion in direct investment, created 236,000 jobs, and helped the country a...

Europe used to bring us a sense of technological oppression, and now it’s their turn

"The more backward the more protectionism, the more protectionism the more backward", once led the technological change of Europe is now also caught in such a strange circle. Europe can "break the thi...