Thinkers Forum

Western Media: We lied, we cheated, you end up buying that

In this video, scholar Jan Oberg argues that mainstream media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict is highly biased and misleading.

Why the U.S. Threatens the Globe with Table Menu Theory?

The phrase "if you're not at the table, you'll probably be on the menu" said by Blinken representing a zero-sum game mentality that rooted in the US ruling class.

Ukraine wants to fight war against China? China responds

China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded to Oleksiy Goncharenko's claim in a regular press conference

China Ex-Colonel: Europe’s Catastrophic Russian Problem

In the long run, Russia may emerge as the real, long-term winner of this conflict.

We value politics, but prioritize life.

By Metro, Not Politics, Mexican Expert said.

It’s not yet the time to talk about ‘lose-lose’

On Feb. 12, 2024, The Munich Security Conference released its annual report, painting a gloomy picture of current global affairs, reflected in its theme of “Lose-Lose.”

Is MAGA Communism the future of the US?

MAGA is usually criticized as being extreme right-wing, while Communism is always seen as left-wing. How does the Infrared combine these seemingly opposite concepts?