Thinkers Forum

The West’s Ungracious Behavior At The Olympics Reveals Their Decline

Chinese new generation is surpassing the West in their traditionally dominant projects in sports

US Discrimination Never Ends: Chinese-Americans in STEM

As the Sino-US rivalry intensifies, U.S. discrimination against Chinese-American scientists lingers, echoing Trump's 'China Action Plan' despite its abolition.

Is the US Ceding the Middle East to China’s Influence?

Former Guardian journalist: Western liberal democracy is being eroded from within.

The Final Two Tasks For The American Empire, explained|David Hearst

A British journalist with nearly 30 years at The Guardian recalls his interview with the former Israeli ambassador to the UK.

Western Media Is Too Late To Defend Its Hegemony

WSJ is talking about another china shock to the world, while the West faces increasing challenges on all fronts.

Chinese Scholar on His Arrest: The US is Self-consistent

The author, Shen Yi, is an expert in American studies and cybersecurity. He has been subjected to searches multiple times in the United States.

2 Astronauts Stranded in Space: The Mystery behind Boeing’s Crisis?

Sending astronauts to space but not bringing them back? That's crazy!

Europe’s Reckoning: How Following US Policies Spawned Far-Right Tides

How immigration tensions, economic inequality, and failed leadership are pushing Europe countries toward political chaos. Are we witnessing the collapse of the Europe?

Front Row at Putin’s Speech: Here Are What Will Shatter Your Perceptions

In June, China’s prominent scholar Zhang Weiwei was invited to participate in Russia’s most significant international economic forum.