Quickest Way to Beat Western Media Bias on China: Let People See for Themselves

In this interview, Dr. Kieth Rethy Chhem delves into how to promote future cultural exchanges between China and other countries to foster understanding instead of hostility.

Researchers Quantify the Impact of U.S.-China Science Rivalry

The conclusion aligns with expectations, but the quantified data is still startling.

A Metaphor on US Dollar Laughing BRICS Scholars Out

This Chinese scholar, retweeted by Trump, garnered enthusiastic approval from BRICS scholars this time.

Has Foreign Tourists Become China’s Unofficial Online Advocates?

Foreign tourists in China tear apart Western anti-China propaganda

Time to Probe into US Swimmers’ Doping Dispute

A solution to bring more fairness and justice to the Olympic Games.

Chinese Scientists Make Charging Phones with Body Heat Possible

They have created a new material that converts heat into electricity.

Iran Must Avoid Russia’s Mistakes in Dealing with Israel

Patience to ensure victory is a virtue.

Blaming Japan for Rate-Hike Won’t Save the US Dollar Hegemony

This kind of "betrayal" will only become more common in the future

Chinese E.V. Makers Rush in and Take Over Thailand’s Car Industry

After dominating Thailand's car market for decades, Japanese brands are now facing a China-led E.V. boom that threaten its grip on Thai market.