The State Formation of modern China——Modernity

November 23, 2022 We need to first clarify what modernity is? Who defines modernity?

The State Formation of modern China

November 3, 2022 The state form and international relations form in today's world are basically modeled after those of Western Europe. However, in reality, the traditional politics of Western Europe, ...

The internal and international politics of traditional China

October 26, 2022 The political rules of traditional China, especially the idea of "Great Unity," which is easier to understand in today's world.

Why the West depicts China in its own image?

The West has spent over two centuries crafting a deeply ingrained and distorted image of China. Can you see through the true intentions behind the four logics of the West's smearing of China?

China’s industrial revolution: A new perspective

Why and how did production, or mass production in particular, emerge and mushroom in 18th-19th century England and 20th-21st century China but not in other parts of the world with similar geo-developm...

The Visible Hand: The Role of Government in China’s Long-Awaited Industrial Revolution

China is undergoing its long-awaited industrial revolution. This article attempted to provide a coherent, in-depth, political-economic framework that explains the fundamental mechanisms behind China's...