Hennessy CEO: Luxury’s next China will still be China

If Time Magazine’s assertion were true-“China’s economy is like a giant ship heading to the precipice”-where would LVMH find its next prime market?

The Russia-Ukraine war is the “Best Textbook.”

What can a major country's military learn from the Russia-Ukraine war? Please read this article without any Americans nearby.

ORAN: Hardly a Magic Bullet vs Huawei

Recently, DigiTimes published an opinion piece triumphantly declaring that the US will “beat Huawei once & for all” by promoting an emerging 5G architecture known as “Open Radio Access Network” (...

Mars: From Water World to Desolate Wasteland – What Happened?

Chinese scientists unraveling the enigma of Mars' lost water and atmosphere

Why do Chinese find Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Problematic?

An exposé of entrenched American ideologies, Netflix's "Three Body Problem" has faced a barrage of complaints since its debut.

China wants everyone at the table, not on the menu

US Secretary of State Blinken's notorious comment, 'If you're not at the table in the international system, you're going to be on the menu,' exposes a worldview where the strong have every right to pr...

China, The Great Unifier

Fragmentation facing our world today is no less menacing than what China has had to endure throughout history. China's relentless pursuit of unity is the key to modern woe.

Crisis of China property giant Evergrande: Has China’s Property Bubble Finally Popped?

The forced liquidation of China Evergrande epitomizes the sector’s struggles, the Chinese government wants to address the financial risks by introducing the so-called 3 red lines.