China’s Prisons Transform Scammers into Artists

In China, prisoners serving their sentences are entrusted with preserving and mastering the skills of intangible cultural heritage.

This Might Be the Most Elegant Drone You’ve Ever Seen

Chinese scientists unveil the world’s tiniest solar-powered drone, weighing just 4.21 grams.

Dialogue with Chinese Police: How stringent is China’s Anti-Drug Policy?

A journalist found out answers after interviewing several Chinese grassroot police officers fighting on the frontline against drugs.

Why Does the West Target Chinese EVs Instead of Tackling the Climate Crisis?

What drives the West to politicize everything, disregarding the disasters brought by the climate crisis, solely to suppress China?

China As NATO’s Ultimate Target

NATO Is Setting Its Sights on China, Who's Calling the Shots?

Will India’s New Megaproject Help Surpass China?

India has announced another grand plan: building 300 airports within 13 years! Will it help surpass China in infrastructure?

China Dumps US Debt, Fearing a Capitalist Armageddon

Why is the US always hitting a "debt ceiling"? What's next with China dumping US treasuries?

China No Longer Need to Subsidize EV Enterprises

Renowned Chinese professor counters foreign journalist's question on EV car subsidies with a counterpoint.

Is Xenophobia in China Real?

What motivated a British-born Australian citizen to share his experiences in China online?

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