China Weaves the Future: Fiber Battery Fabric Ushers in Era of Smart Clothes

From self-charging wearables to bionic limbs, applications for this revolutionary tech hold vast potential.

“How Shall We Win the Chip War Over China?”

A White House advisor worries that China's rise in technology innovation will have potential harm to advanced industries in the US.

Black Markets and Brothels, Official Guides of Soros’ Investments

How do you know if a country is worth an investment? Founder of the Quantum Fund is ready to share some unconventional wisdom.

War Propaganda: Why We Need to Stop Fearing the Wrong Enemy?

Why Russia is not a threat to NATO or neutral states.

Chang’e 6 to Make Historic Lunar Farside Sample Return in Early May

Marking the first-ever human sample return mission from the lunar farside.

Pedaling Prosperity: New Market Opportunities for the Chinese Bicycle Industry

Chinese youths' cycling trips spark city-cycling interest. Chinese Bicycle Industry, inspired by EV's success, targets the high-end market amidst the emerging cycling culture.

Quantum Leap: China’s 504-Qubit Chip Narrows the US Gap

Domestically-developed "Xiaohong" chip validates massive measurement system, opens door for global collaboration.

Why Patriotic Young Americans Begin to Believe in Communism?

Can the MAGA Socialism movement revolutionize the US? Explore shifting perceptions of socialism and the patriotic youth's role in shaping the future of the US.

China Air Force Strategist: USAF’s flawed thinking has doomed the F35

What caused the $2 trillion F35 project to flop so hard? This Chinese military strategist pinpointed the answer in his book a quarter-century ago.