Biden hits Trump with China Tariffs

If Biden loses in November, his two years of campaign operations will become classic political jokes. If he wins, the jokes will probably be even greater.

How the West Makes it Normal to Kill a Palestinian

In the current world structure, the lives of Palestinians are unfortunately considered disposable.

In the US, How Do We Nip World War III in the Bud?

Students in the US shouldn’t be left alone in keeping their country from provoking WWIII.

How will Putin’s New Defense Minister Influence US Election?

Putin's selection of an economist as Russia's upcoming Defense Minister signals that his aspirations reach beyond mere military triumph.

Biden’s tariff and containment won’t help US beat China in EV

Tariffs could only do harm to the US auto industry in the long run. But politicians don't care about the long run anyway - they're just here for your vote.

China Builds the World’s First Quantum Internet in Urban Area

The Quantum Internet is Coming: Get Ready for a Super-Secure, Super-Fast Future

Looking at the US Elections With Russia’s New Defense Minister

Putin’s appointment of an economist as Russia’s next Defense Minister announces that his ambitions extend beyond military victory.

After All of This, Why Don’t We Hear Cries For Vengeance in China?

25 years after NATO's bombing of the Chinese embassy, memories of American nonchalance remain vivid for many Chinese.

What I Don’t See in Student Protests over Gaza

It's not that the college students are naive, but rather that they still care about justice.