Julian Assange: An “Error” Corrected by the West

Assange is not the voluntary warrior for freedom as many portray, but rather a lamentable correction made by a society that deems him and his like an error.

Russia Halts Dollar Trade: Chain Reaction in Global Finance On the Horizon

A landmark event in the history of de-dollarization

China Leads the Way From Ocean Waves to Clean Hydrogen Fuel

Combining offshore wind and seawater electrolysis: a powerful duo for clean energy generation.

US Views UN as a Nuisance, a Place for US Propaganda, Not a Vehicle of Global Problem Solving

The US is the world's least aligned with the UN Charter. The US started to view the UN as a place to spread US propaganda, not a vehicle of global problem-solving.

US Inserts Itself into China-India Relations Amid Waning Legitimacy for Backing Israel

We’ve heard speculations of an India-China thaw on the horizon after Modi secured his third term as president. Now, the US wants to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Chinese Vocational School Beating MIT? The Trick Down Effect in China’s Education

Through generations of hard work, the Chinese education system can allow every gifted person to develop talents.

How Chinese Solar Upstarts Eclipsed Big Oil’s Energy Empire?

China's Photovoltaic Industry: A Rollercoaster Journey to Global Prominence

China Unleashes the Power of Jellyfish for Next-Gen Underwater Robots

Zhejiang University's jelly-like muscles enable agile, self-healing ocean exploration bots.

Why India is Hit So Hard by China-India Tensions?

According to major Indian press, the China-India tensions have resulted in a $15 billion loss for India's electronics industry and the loss of 100,000 jobs.