Chinese Scholar: I’d Rather Confront with Extreme Taiwan Independence Advocates

Professor Zhang Weiwei analyzed Beijing's new law on independence advocates in Taiwan on China's top-rated current affairs TV program.

2024 Paris Olympics: France’s Decline as an Industrial Powerhouse

A century ago, France hosted the Olympics as an industrial powerhouse. This year's Paris Olympics reveal a France in decline. Where does France's future lie?

Foxconn Returns to China: Has America’s Industry Shift from China Failed?

The US started to force multinational corps to move their supply chains from China to Southeast Asia and India years ago. Now, significant capital flowing back into China.

Israel is Provoking Three More Russias for the US

The Sino-Russian alliance relies on the US, and so does Arab World’s

Slaughtered by Chinese EVs, Europe Reluctantly Starts Copying China’s Production Model

As market neoliberalism fails to cope with the drastic fallout of the war in Ukraine, will Europe turn its economic model toward the one it has disregarded for decades?

New Clues in the World’s Greatest Unsolved Mystery

The Cambrian explosion, which occurred 542 million years ago, gave birth to the ancestors of all living organisms today. The cause of this event remains a mystery.

To Wage a Total War, NATO Has Lowered Its Moral Standards

According to NATO's redefinition, the bullet aimed at Trump nearly triggered a world war.

After the US, where does the World look for Leadership?

Who will be the next super power after the US?

How did China Lose 1.4 Billion People’s Soybean Market to the US?

Another story of U.S. capital snatching and controlling the food supplies of developing countries.