contributors_Wang Xiangsui

Wang Xiangsui
Wang Xiangsui is a former Senior Colonel of China’s Air Force, is now a professor at Beihang University. He also serves as Deputy Secretary-General of the CITIC Foundation and is on the editorial boards of Economics Herald and Global Finance.
Featured Works
Unrestricted Warfare: a book on military strategy written in 1999, its primary concern is how a nation such as China can defeat a technologically superior opponent through a variety of means.
The Evolution of Currency-Politics: this book systematically presents a series of new concepts centered around currency relations and establishes a theoretical framework for currency politics. At the same time, the book comprehensively discusses the evolution of currency politics under the silver standard, gold standard, and dollar standard, as well as in the era of global financialization, and innovatively proposes the establishment of a cooperative and multi-symbiotic world system.
China’s Role in Future World: this book analyzes the world landscape and future development. And based on the national benefits of China, he gives rational and reasonable assumption of China’s development as a major power. Combined with the Belt And Road Initiative, he analyzes the ultimate goal and outcome of the Initiative in terms of strategy, and in practical operation, he analyzes the difficulties in carrying out the Initiative and gives sensible solutions.
Mr. Wang Xiangsui, a former Senior Colonel of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), currently serves as a professor and Director of the Center for Strategic Studies at Beihang University. He is also the Deputy Secretary-General of the CITIC Foundation and a member of the editorial board for both the Economics Herald and Global Finance magazines. With extensive experience in military and national security strategy research, Mr. Wang has participated in and led numerous significant national and military projects. He has also engaged in Track II dialogues between China and the U.S., Europe, Japan, and Russia multiple times. Among his notable works are Unrestricted Warfare, China’s Role in the Future World, and The Evolution of Currency-Politics. Notably, Unrestricted Warfare was recognized by the Washington Post as the most influential Chinese book in the West over the past 40 years.
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