
Human’s Giant Cousin Wiped Out by Failing to Adapt

Gigantopithecus is an extinct genus of ape that existed from around 9 million years ago to as recently as 100,000 years ago. It reached heights of about 10 feet (3 meters) and weighed up to 1,100 kilograms. A multidisciplinary team explored 22 caves scattered throughout southern China to uncover the secrets of its extinction. They published their research in the latest issue of Nature.

January 19, 2024
Technology channel editor-in-chief, The China Academy
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In the dense jungles of southern China, a mystery hung in the air, shrouded in the shadows of the past. The enigmatic demise of Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant ape that once roamed these lands, captivated the minds of scientists and researchers alike. It was a creature of immense stature, standing at around 3 meters’ tall, the largest primate ever to walk the Earth. Yet, despite its impressive presence, it had vanished from the face of the planet, leaving behind only fragments of its existence.

Curiosity burned within the hearts of the scientific community, eager to uncover the secrets of G. blacki’s extinction. What caused this magnificent species to disappear while other Asian great apes survived? To shed light on this ancient enigma, a team of multidisciplinary experts embarked on a remarkable journey.

Led by Dr. Yingqi Zhang from Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the team was armed with determination, knowledge, and a thirst for discovery. Their mission was to unlock the secrets hidden within the depths of 22 caves scattered throughout southern China. These caves held the key to understanding the final chapters of G. blacki’s existence.

Their approach was comprehensive and intricate, blending various disciplines to paint a detailed picture of the past. Radiometric dating techniques were employed, utilizing 157 different radiometric ages obtained from six distinct methods. With this vast array of data, the team began to establish a timeline, mapping out the final moments of G. blacki’s presence on Earth.

As they delved deeper into the caves, the team also explored the ancient environments that once surrounded the giant ape. They analyzed the remnants of flora and fauna, reconstructing past ecosystems to gain insights into the conditions that shaped G. blacki’s fate. The results were staggering, revealing a mosaic of forests and grasslands that thrived approximately 2.3 million years ago, providing an ideal habitat for flourishing G. blacki populations.

But the story took a turn as the team ventured closer to the extinction window, a period between 295,000 and 215,000 years ago. During this time, the environment underwent a dramatic transformation. Increased seasonality brought forth enhanced environmental variability, leading to changes in plant communities and the emergence of open forest environments. It was a challenge that G. blacki struggled to overcome.

While its close relative, Pongo weidenreichi, adapted by becoming smaller, more agile, and adjusting their feeding behavior and habitat preferences, Gigantopithecus blacki exhibited a contrasting approach. Despite the scarcity of its preferred food resources, Gigantopithecus blacki persisted in relying on less nutritious alternative food sources, resulting in a significant reduction in dietary diversity. Paradoxically, its size continued to grow larger and bulkier, while the geographic range for its feeding activities considerably diminished. Consequently, the population of Gigantopithecus blacki faced prolonged survival pressures, steadily dwindling until its eventual extinction.

Feral child Mowgli encounters King Louie, a Gigantopithecus ape, in the live-version 2016 film ‘The Jungle Book.’

In contrast to the adaptable “opportunists” like Pongos, who swiftly responded to environmental changes, Gigantopithecus blacki behaved more like a stubborn “nonconformist” unwilling to go with the flow. It was precisely this stubbornness and conservatism that ultimately sealed its fate.

The researchers stood in awe of their findings, piecing together the puzzle of G. blacki’s extinction. Their work not only revealed the tragic fate of this magnificent creature but also offered insights into primate resilience and the destiny of megafauna in the region.

However, due to the scarcity of cranial and postcranial fossil evidence, our knowledge of these large-bodied distant relatives remains limited. Did they primarily inhabit trees or the ground? What locomotive behaviors did they exhibit? Where do they fit within the evolutionary tree? Why did their size change? Further exploration and the discovery of crucial fossil evidence are necessary for researchers to unveil more insights into these enigmatic beings.

The story of G. blacki, once lost in the annals of time, now found its voice through the dedication and expertise of the scientific community. The team’s research had breathed life into the past, allowing us to glimpse the struggles and triumphs of a forgotten species.

As the sun set over the ancient caves, the scientists packed their tools and notes, carrying with them the weight of newfound knowledge. The mystery of Gigantopithecus blacki had been unraveled, but the tale of its existence would forever echo through the halls of scientific discovery, reminding us of the fragility and resilience of life on Earth.


Technology channel editor-in-chief, The China Academy
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