Science Express

Brain Drain: The Exodus of Scientists from America to China

History has witnessed the mass exodus of scientists from an established scientific superpower to join a rising power across the ocean.

Once again, China Tops Nature Index as Dominance of High-quality Science

Nature Index Reign Continues, But Can Domestic Journals Challenge the West? Belt and Road to Research Riches?

Mars: From Water World to Desolate Wasteland – What Happened?

Chinese scientists unraveling the enigma of Mars' lost water and atmosphere

Chinese ‘Super Disk’ shrinks data centre storage capacity into DVD-sized

For data centers that manage large volumes of information in AI era, optical discs remain an indispensable storage medium.

Human’s Giant Cousin Wiped Out by Failing to Adapt

A multidisciplinary team explored 22 caves scattered throughout southern China to uncover the secrets of its extinction. They published their research in the latest issue of Nature.

Scientists Achieve Unprecedented Stability in Atomic Clock

As the demand for accurate synchronization continues to grow, the remarkable stability achieved by the RAFS opens up new possibilities for scientific research, technological advancements, and societal...

First Working Graphene Chips as Next Generation Semiconductors

A working, scalable semiconductor has been created from graphene for the first time, potentially paving the way for a new type of computer with greater speed and efficiency than today’s silicon chips.

The Tech of Saving Lives in Massive Earthquake, Drones, Aircraft, Satellites | THREHSOLD

From the daring skydives of 2008's Wenchuan earthquake to the high-tech drone and satellite response of the 2023 Gansu quake. Witness China's remarkable shift from human bravery to advanced technology...

China Doubles Down on RISC-V Chip Development Amid Potential US Restrictions

It has become clear that Chinese institutions and firms will press ahead with R&D on RISC-V, disregarding any potential restrictions from the US.

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