
US Views UN as a Nuisance, a Place for US Propaganda, Not a Vehicle of Global Problem Solving

The US is the world's least aligned with the UN Charter. The US started to view the UN as a place to spread US propaganda, not a vehicle of global problem-solving.

How Chinese People View the American Movie“Civil War”

We have selected the top-rated comments on Chinese socials to answer this question.

How U.S. Capital Hijacks the Public?

The true views of American journalists on press freedom in the United States.

India’s Best China Strategy is Faux Confrontation

The Modi government is well aware of this strategy. Despite apparent border tensions, India and China actually cooperate in many areas.

China’s Unification Process Has Already Begun

Chinese expert on international issues:"'One Country, One System' will be the ultimate fate for Taiwan, leaving no other options for its future."

Who is Pushing the Current World Order Towards the Brink?

The US has been involved in worldwide conflicts to varying degrees and forcing allies to take sides while China is committed to keeping peace with inclusive multilateralism.

Why is China Convinced of “East is rising and West declining”?

Whether the West would decline rests in China's hands, as the sole powerhouse of global manufacturing in our times.

US VS China: Influence Battle in EU

Though under the pressure of America, voices of resistance have emerged in Europe, with France and Germany explicitly refusing to disengage with China.

US-China Tech War: Which Side Is the EU On?

Treasury Secretary Yellen has urged the EU to raise import tariffs on China, but Von der Leyen has stated that they will not join such measures.