
While Europe Stakes Its Fate on U.S. Election, China Looks On with Amusement

French president Marcon: Europe is in danger of becoming America’s vassal state.

Only China’s Former Premier Zhou Enlai Can Save Europe

A unipolar world is destined for continued turmoil, war, and destruction. In contrast, Premier Zhou Enlai's principles point towards a totally different destiny.

Why Indonesia Is China’s New Best Friend in Southeast Asia

Beijing is courting Jakarta with promises of investments. Meanwhile, the US is losing sway the longer it dithers over Gaza.

How Oppenheimer Reveals About Japan’s Self-Denial on WWII

Japan’s convoluted and paradoxical attitude towards its imperial past

How Tagore’s China Trip Centenary Can Reset India-China Ties?

Tagore centres for civilisational dialogue would help improve the image of China in India and vice versa, which is mostly shaped by Western narratives.