
China Exposes Another U.S. “Prism” Program

The U.S. has established seven monitoring stations across the country, tapping into internet users’ data for the past twenty years.

Admit It, America, You Just Want to Colonize Africa

The Chinese have figured out that supporting a prosperous Africa doesn't take anything away from them. But that seems to be beyond the intellectual reach of US policymakers.

American Scholars Lost Their Freedom in Studying China

To study China, American scholars must first answer: Are they opting to be 'Chinese spies' or 'academic eunuchs'?

How a Nanjing-style Salted Duck Endangered U.S. National Security?

Linda Sun is charged as a Chinese spy, with one piece of evidence being the salted ducks she allegedly accepted as bribes from the Chinese consulate.

Surge in U.S. Solar Company Bankruptcies, Despite Trillions in Subsidies

Without a sustainable business model, a reshuffle in the US solar industry is on the horizon.

Italy and Chinese Automaker Near Final Stage of Factory Deal

The most popular news highlights in China over the past few days.

China’s Unfair Competition or US’s Self-Projection?

State-owned enterprises in China are often criticized by Western countries for creating market unfairness due to their state-owned nature.

To Wage a Total War, NATO Has Lowered Its Moral Standards

According to NATO's redefinition, the bullet aimed at Trump nearly triggered a world war.

China As NATO’s Ultimate Target

NATO Is Setting Its Sights on China, Who's Calling the Shots?

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