
Qin Gang Resigns from National People's Congress Delegation

February 28, 2024

Qin Gang Resigns from National People’s Congress Delegation

On Feburary 27, Qin Gang, the former Chinese Foreign Minister, has announced his resignation from the National People’s Congress (NPC) delegation, according to an official announcement by the Standing Committee of the NPC.
The annual sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, collectively known as the “Two Sessions,” are scheduled to commence next week. Prior to the upcoming meetings, the Standing Committee of the NPC convened its final session, during which they announced the acceptance of Qin Gang’s resignation from the 14th NPC delegation, representing the Tianjin delegation. The announcement also mentioned the dismissal of seven other delegates, while a total of four delegates, including Qin Gang, voluntarily resigned, resulting in the termination of the qualifications of 11 representatives.
Last year, following Qin Gang’s removal, Wang Yi, a member of the Communist Party’s Politburo, took on the additional role of Foreign Minister. Speculation has been rife that a new Foreign Minister might be announced during the upcoming NPC session.


China’s Space Station Enters Regular Operational Mode

China’s space station is set to enter a regular operational mode as it progresses towards becoming a permanent fixture in space. According to the recently released “China Aerospace Science and Technology Blue Book (2023)” by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the space agency plans to conduct approximately 100 launch missions throughout 2024.
The operational goals for China’s space station in 2024 include the completion of two cargo spacecraft missions, two manned spacecraft launches, and two return missions. Additionally, the launch of the Queqiao II relay satellite, which will provide communication support between the lunar far side and Earth, is also planned. Another key mission involves the launch of the Chang’e 6 lunar probe, which aims to achieve the world’s first sampling and return mission from the lunar south pole.
The transition of China’s space station into regular operational mode signifies a significant step forward in the country’s space exploration endeavors. As China continues to make great strides in space science and technology, the nation is poised to play an increasingly influential role in shaping the future of space exploration and further contributing to the peaceful development of outer space.


National Political Advisor Proposes Measures to Improve Maternity Services and Build a Birth-Friendly Society

As the annual National Two Sessions approach, Zhao Changlong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the full-time deputy chairperson of the Minjindang Tianjin Committee, has submitted a proposal titled “On Improving Medical and Health Services and Safeguard Levels to Construct a Birth-Friendly Society.” Zhao, who previously served as the director of the Health and Family Planning Committee of Beichen District, Tianjin, noted, “The provision of pain-free childbirth services falls far short of demand, and most regions of the country have not included it in the medical insurance system.”

In light of these issues, Zhao suggests the expansion of pain-free labor services and improving the childbirth experience. He also recommends that the medical and health system actively work on piloting and promoting pain-relief labor services. Policies should favor the training of midwives and anesthetists specialized in pain-relief labor, adjustments to medical service charges, and medical insurance reimbursement policies. Furthermore, he stresses the importance of enhancing publicity about pain-free childbirth to pregnant women and their families, providing high-quality, convenient, comfortable, safe, and privacy-protecting services for women giving birth, and reducing the cesarean section rate.

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