
NASA Eats Its Sour Grape Over Chang’e-6 Moon Rocks

July 2, 2024

NASA Eats Its Sour Grape Over Change-6’s Moon Rocks

CNN reported on July 1 that after China announced its welcome for countries to apply for research on lunar samples returned by Chang’e-6, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson expressed that he was “pleased” but didn’t forget to mention that the US had done the same before. Nelson gave the green light for US researchers to apply for these samples, but still arrogantly stated that US scientists and lawyers would participate in the relevant procedures “to make sure that the instructions and guardrails that the Chinese are insisting on” and don’t violate the relevant provisions of the “Wolf Amendment.”

Despite the recent success of China’s Chang’e-6 mission, Nelson still believes that the US will beat China in this “second space race to land people on the moon.”

Chang’e-6 landed accurately in the predetermined area of Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, on June 25, marking the first time in human history that lunar soil samples were collected from the far side of the Moon.

The China National Space Administration said on June 28 that preliminary measurements show the Chang’e-6 mission collected 1935.3 grams of lunar samples.

NASA Spokesperson Fess Markow stated that while China is collaborating with France, Italy, Pakistan, and the European Space Agency on a mission to collect samples from the far side of the Moon, it did not seek NASA’s involvement.

China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning responded that at the regular press on July 1, however, the US seems to have forgotten the existence of their domestic laws like the Wolf Amendment, questioning whether US scientists and relevant institutions would be allowed by their government to participate in cooperation with China.

She also said that the Chang’e-6 mission has announced opportunities for participation globally, and China welcomes countries worldwide to take part in studying the lunar samples.


Chinese Executives Murdered in Philippines Kidnapping, While Chinese Student Attacked in New Zealand

SHINE: Two corporate executives, one Chinese and the other Chinese American, have been kidnapped and murdered during a business trip in the Philippines, Red Star News reported on Monday.

In a statement issued by the Chinese embassy in the Philippines on Tuesday, it confirmed a Chinese citizen and a Chinese American had been kidnapped and murdered.

After receiving the report of the kidnap, the embassy had coordinated with the Anti-Kidnapping Bureau of the Philippine National Police and “lodged representations with the Philippine side through diplomatic channels, demanding that it rescue the hostage as soon as possible and take practical measures to protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the Philippines.”

The victims, both senior executives from two different Chinese medical device companies, arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to conduct joint business inspections, aiming to further expand overseas markets.

They were reportedly kidnapped and subsequently killed on June 24.

A former colleague of the Chinese victim spoke to Southern Metropolis Daily, claiming that despite the family paying a ransom of 3 million yuan (US$412,500), the executive was still killed.

The Chinese embassy expressed condolences to the families of the two victims and urged the Philippine side to intensify efforts in handling the case, and to swiftly apprehend and severely punish the perpetrators.

SCMP: Chinese student targeted in ‘racially motivated’ attack in New Zealand.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was assaulted on a bus in New Zealand on Friday morning. The attacker, described as a heavyset Maori woman in her 40s, verbally abused the boy with racial slurs before hitting him with a metal bar, knocking out three teeth and damaging two others. Only a 75-year-old Chinese man intervened, preventing further injury. The victim has lived in New Zealand for seven years. Police are searching for the attacker


China Issues Regulations on Rare Earth Administration

Xinhua: Chinese Premier Li Qiang has signed a decree of the State Council, unveiling a set of regulations on rare earth administration.

The regulations, which will take effect on Oct. 1, stipulate that the country will pay equal attention to resource protection as well as development and utilization of rare earths, following the principles of making overall planning, ensuring security, and boosting technological innovation and green development.

The country will promote the high-quality development of the rare earth industry, and encourage the research, development and application of new technologies, new materials and new equipment, according to the regulations.

The regulations specify punishment for illegal activities in areas including rare earth mining, smelting and extraction, product distribution, as well as unlawful imports and exports.

Rare earths consist of 17 elements that are widely used in high-tech products ranging from flat-screen TVs to lasers and hybrid cars.

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