
MI6 spies busted in China

June 4, 2024

MI6 spies busted in China

China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) disclosed on Monday morning a major espionage case involving the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) recruiting a couple from a central state agency in China

.After a thorough investigation, the national security agency uncovered a significant espionage case involving MI6 recruiting an employee surnamed Wang and his spouse surnamed Zhou, the MSS said in a post published on its WeChat account.

In 2015, Wang applied to participate in a China-UK exchange program to study in the UK. MI6, valuing his position in a core confidential role, quickly facilitated the approval of his application, according to the MSS. Upon Wang’s arrival in the UK, MI6 arranged for personnel to provide him with special attention, including dining invitations and sightseeing tours, to understand his personality weaknesses and hobbies.

After discovering Wang’s strong desire for money, MI6 personnel, posing as alumni, befriended him on campus and offered him a part-time consulting opportunity with high compensation. Tempted by financial incentives, Wang agreed to engage in paid consulting.

Initially, the British side used public research projects as a pretext, gradually involving Wang in core matters of the central state agency, with payments significantly higher than normal consulting fees.

Although Wang became suspicious, he continued providing “consulting” services under the lure of substantial money.

After some time, the British side assessed the situation as mature and introduced MI6 personnel to Wang, revealing their identities and requesting his services for the British government, promising higher remuneration and security guarantees.

Seeking personal gain, Wang agreed to the British demands and completed the espionage procedures.MI6 provided professional spy training for Wang and instructed him to return to China to gather important intelligence.

Wang’s wife, Zhou, also worked in a critical department. MI6, confident in their control over Wang, repeatedly pressured him to recruit his wife, promising double compensation.

Despite initial hesitation, Wang succumbed to persistent persuasion, inducement, and even threats from the British side, eventually convincing Zhou to agree to gather intelligence for them.

Thus, Wang and his wife both became spies for the British side.

With a thorough investigation and solid evidence, the Chinese national security agency decisively took action, legally detaining and interrogating Wang and Zhou, thereby uncovering a significant MI6 operative within China’s internal system. The case is currently under further investigation.


Chang’E-6 takes off from lunar surface with rare sample

Carrying valuable rocks and dust collected from the far side of moon, the ascender of China’s Chang’E-6 lunar probe lifted off from the lunar surface and entered lunar orbit with success on Tuesday morning, marking an unprecedented accomplishment in the history of human lunar exploration.

According to the China National Space Agency (CNSA) on Tuesday that after being powered by the 3000-newton engine for approximately six minutes, the ascender  of Chang’E-6 took off from the lunar surface and entered its preset lunar orbit with success at 7:38 am on Tuesday.

During the sampling and storage process, Chinese researchers in ground laboratories simulated the sampling area’s geographic model based on data sent back by China’s Queqiao-2 relay satellite. This simulation provided critical support for decision-making and the operation of various stages of the sampling process.


Turkish FM visits China to ‘enrich bilateral ties’

China has been in close communication with Muslim countries in the Middle East recently amid the worsening situation in Gaza, as Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan started his visit to China on Monday, just a few days after the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Chinese analysts from state media said that apart from boosting bilateral cooperation, China will strengthen cooperation and coordination with Turkey and other major powers in the region to jointly promote a sustainable cease-fire in the continuing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Chen Wenqing, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and head of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Central Committee, met with Fidan in Beijing on Monday.

Chen said that guided by the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, China is willing to work with Turkey to bring cooperation in the field of security to new heights continuously, enrich and expand the connotations of bilateral ties further, protect the security interests of both countries in an improved manner, serve the strategic alignment of the two countries’ development, and contribute actively to the peace and development of both countries, the region and the world.

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