Create an Online Course

Learn how to create an Online Course with the latest plugin from WooThemes – Sensei. This 3 part series will show you how to create Courses, Lessons, and add a Quiz to assess your learners.


Purchase & Activate Sensei

Setting up online Courses in your WordPress powered website has become even easier now. All you need to do is purchase the Sensei plugin by WooThemes and upload it to your WordPress powered website.

Purchase & Activate Sensei

Length: 5 minutesAuthor: WooComplexity: Easy

Create Course Content

This lesson will show you how to create Courses and add Lessons, it will even show you how to create Quizzes for learner assessment.

Create Course Content

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: WooComplexity: Standard

User Analytics

This lesson will show you where to view stats for your learning site and learners.

User Analytics

Length: 5 minutesAuthor: WooComplexity: Easy

Lesson with no Quiz

This is a simple lesson with no Quiz. Feel free to complete it.