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The China Academy Interview
In-depth conversations on China’s future, without limits

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The Final Two Tasks For The American Empire, explained|David Hearst 11:43
A British journalist with nearly 30 years at The Guardian recalls his interview with the former Israeli ambassador to the UK.
Europe’s Reckoning: How Following US Policies Spawned Far-Right Tides 14:06
How immigration tensions, economic inequality, and failed leadership are pushing Europe countries toward political chaos. Are we witnessing the collapse of the Europe?
China Is Making American Values Great Again in Space
Sayonara, U.S. Space Dominance
Kursk Attack: Propaganda Triumph, Military Blunder
When did 'turning point' start getting thrown around so easily?
Blaming Japan for Rate-Hike Won’t Save the US Dollar Hegemony
This kind of "betrayal" will only become more common in the future
Iran Must Avoid Russia’s Mistakes in Dealing with Israel
Patience to ensure victory is a virtue.
Israel is Provoking Three More Russias for the US
The Sino-Russian alliance relies on the US, and so does Arab World’s
What Harris vs. Trump Matchup Means for China
To China, this brand new match has nothing new to offer.
What Does Belarus-China Alliance Mean for the US
CNN says it's just about forming a coalition against the US, but it overlooks a more crucial point.