column_The China Academy Picks

The China Academy Picks
Top picks selected by the China Academy’s editorial team from Chinese media, translated and edited to provide better insights into contemporary China.

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How the U.S. became the biggest driver of China’s  Military Build-up
A new arms race with the U.S.? Not exactly. A Chinese blogger explains the real reason behind China’s military buildup.
Do Chinese People Like Their Police?
This Quora question gathers a large number of Chinese people. They try hard to explain in machine-translated English why they are so fond of the Chinese military.
Can the U.S. Even Build a 6th-Gen Fighter Jet Anymore?
China's 6 gen fighter is not just a new aircraft—it's the moment China leaves the U.S. in the dust.
China’s J-10C Fighter Jets End India’s South Asia Hegemony For Good
With this advanced aircraft, India will have to deal with unprecedented pressure from three directions, thus no longer able to interfere in its neighbors' internal affairs.
Why Are Century-old German Automakers Failing at EVs?
It's not about age—it’s the supply chain.
China Crushed America’s Drone Hellscape Plan in Its Infancy
Sanctioned by China, BRINC Drones, American largest drone maker will soon meet its doom without China's supply chain.
For Every Syrian Who Celebrated Freedom, It’s Time to Start Crying
Is Assad’s fall the end of Syrian suffering? No, it may just be the beginning.
The Chip War Is Nearing Its End as China Chips In
A Chinese telecommunications observer paints a stark picture for the U.S.
Sweden Says Only 50% Chance to Save My Womb—China Promises 99%
Swedish mother flew to China for childbirth after doctors in Sweden can't handle her situation.
Chinese Military Blogger Breaks Down Weapons from China’s Air Show
And he found that country's weapons are kicking others off the battlefield.