
Chinese President Xi Jinping Begins His First US Trip in 6 Years

November 15, 2023

Chinese President Xi Jinping Begins His First US Trip in 6 Years

On November 14 (Pacific time), Chinese President Xi Jinping has touched down at San Francisco International Airport for a significant diplomatic visit, which includes a highly anticipated meeting with US President Joe Biden and his attendance at the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit. This visit holds great significance as it marks Xi’s first trip to the United States in six years and Biden’s second in-person meeting with Xi since taking office in 2019. The two leaders are scheduled to meet on Wednesday.

Xi’s arrival was met with a warm reception. Notable figures from the US side, including Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, and Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, extended a cordial welcome to the Chinese leader. Accompanying Xi on this trip are high-ranking Chinese officials, including the chief of staff Cai Qi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was also present at the airport.

Earlier this week, Biden expressed his objective to restore regular communications between the two superpowers, including military contacts, during his upcoming discussions with Xi. White House national security spokesperson John Kirby informed reporters that Biden and Xi would discuss various topics, including the conflict in Gaza and Ukraine, economic issues and climate change. The world will closely watch the outcomes of Xi’s visit, as it has the potential to shape the trajectory of China-US relations and impact the broader geopolitical landscape.


China and US Release the Sunnylands Statement to Strengthen Cooperation in Addressing Climate Crisis

On November 15, in a significant step towards global climate action, China and the United States have jointly issued the Sunnylands Statement reaffirming their commitment to collaborate and tackle the climate crisis. The statement was released following discussions between Chinese climate Envoy, Xie Zhenhua, and his US counterpart, John Kerry, held earlier this year.

The two governments outlined the areas of focus for their collaboration, which include energy transition, methane reduction, circular economy and resource efficiency, low-carbon and sustainable provinces/states and cities, and deforestation. The statement emphasized that the purpose of the collaboration is to accelerate concrete climate actions through dialogue and cooperation. As part of their efforts, they will restart bilateral dialogues on energy policies and strategies while deepen exchanges on energy-saving and carbon reduction solutions. Furthermore, the joint statement reaffirmed their commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement, which aim to limit global warming to “well below” 2°C and strive to restrict the increase to 1.5°C.

The release of the statement marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to combat climate change. China and the United States, as two of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, have recognized the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for international cooperation to address its impacts. The declaration sends a positive signal to the global community, demonstrating that even amidst geopolitical tensions, countries can come together to tackle shared challenges.


Chinese Unmanned Aircraft Developer Autoflight Announces Collaboration with Falcon at Dubai Airshow 2023

On November 14, Chinese electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft developer AutoFlight has announced a significant collaboration with Falcon Aviation Services during the Dubai Airshow, with plans to jointly introduce the first eVTOL touristic, cargo, and air-taxi flights in the Middle East and Africa.

Autoflight is one of the most advanced eVTOL developer in China, which set a record for the longest single-charge flight by an eVTOL craft in February this year after it traveled 250.3 kilometers. On the other hand, Falcon Aviation Services is a leading Business Aviation Services Operator in the Middle East and Africa, and a key player in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government’s advanced air mobility (AAM) strategy.

eVTOL aircraft, which boast energy efficiency comparable to electric cars and require no fixed facilities such as airports or runways, offer quieter and more cost-effective transportation options than helicopters, making them well-suited for intra-city and inter-city travel.

As Middle Eastern countries strengthen their economic ties with China, Chinese drone producers are increasing their market share in the region. Earlier this year, AutoFlight secured purchase contracts with logistics service providers in the Middle East, including 10 cargo drones that will operate in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. “From China to the World,” a column written for AutoFlight’s strategic planning, highlights the drone producer’s acceleration in unmanned transportation services.

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