
When Doctors Hold Their Patients Hostage

The doctors are hell-bent on their share, as the government is desperate for votes. And it's only South Korea's entire population that pays for the deadlock.

US AI Firewall to China: The Fig Leaf of Its Failed Containment Policy

Unpacking America's self-defeating plan to block China from cutting-edge AI it's already pioneering.

How the West Makes it Normal to Kill a Palestinian

In the current world structure, the lives of Palestinians are unfortunately considered disposable.

In the US, How Do We Nip World War III in the Bud?

Students in the US shouldn’t be left alone in keeping their country from provoking WWIII.

After All of This, Why Don’t We Hear Cries For Vengeance in China?

25 years after NATO's bombing of the Chinese embassy, memories of American nonchalance remain vivid for many Chinese.

Black Markets and Brothels, Official Guides of Soros’ Investments

How do you know if a country is worth an investment? Founder of the Quantum Fund is ready to share some unconventional wisdom.

How Africa is Drained by the West through Hospitals

Health Care System Transplanted from the West is Suffocating the Poor in Africa

America’s Flawed Strategy for Rivalry with China

Founder of the world’s top think tank suggests the US to relax export bans on tech like chips, while using import bans to compel China.

Poll: How Many Chinese Support a Sino-Russian Military Alliance?

In 2024, in which area should China and Russia deepen their cooperation? After collecting 1,600 votes from Chinese people, we found interesting conclusions.