
Contributors-Wen Yang

Contributors / Advisory Board Wen Yang Wen Yang is a retired Naval officer, research fellow at the China Institute of Fudan University, the Shanghai Chunqiu Institute for Development and Strategic Stu...

Contributors-Wen Yi

Contributors / Advisory Board Wen Yi Renowned Chinese economist at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He specializes in the field of macroeconomics. His research interests include Business Cycle theory, s...

Contributors-Zhang Weiwei

Contributors / Advisory Board Zhang Weiwei Distinguished Professor at Fudan University and Director of the China Institute in Shanghai. Professor Zhang has written extensively on China’s economi...

Will the real estate sector remain the driver of China’s economic growth?

DEBATE Will the real estate sector remain the driver of China’s economic growth? We’ve chosen and translated competing ideas on the future of China’s economy & the role of the r...

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