
Why Does the West Target Chinese EVs Instead of Tackling the Climate Crisis?

What drives the West to politicize everything, disregarding the disasters brought by the climate crisis, solely to suppress China?

China As NATO’s Ultimate Target

NATO Is Setting Its Sights on China, Who's Calling the Shots?

Will India’s New Megaproject Help Surpass China?

India has announced another grand plan: building 300 airports within 13 years! Will it help surpass China in infrastructure?

China Dumps US Debt, Fearing a Capitalist Armageddon

Why is the US always hitting a "debt ceiling"? What's next with China dumping US treasuries?

Is Xenophobia in China Real?

What motivated a British-born Australian citizen to share his experiences in China online?

Through Election, Macron Paves the Way for a Right-wing Comeback

Macron's grand gamble paid off. But if they prove powerless in boosting the French economy Again, 2027 is likely to witness a worrying comeback of France’s far right.

How Chinese View US Presidential Debate Catastrophe?

Some Americans say Biden has obvious cognitive decline, while Trump faces multiple criminal charges. What do Chinese people think of the 2024 US presidential election?

Jeffrey Sachs: Hungary’s Orban Wants Ukraine Peace, Viewing NATO Expansion as Root Cause of War

Jeffrey Sachs: By visiting Kyiv, Moscow, Beijing, and Washington, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban is seeking peace, knowing US-led NATO expansion is the root cause of war.