
Einstein Probe: The Satellite That Triggered Taiwan’s Island-Wide Air Raid Alert

How did a routine satellite launch trigger such a response? We delve into the interesting story of the Einstein Probe, a Chinese mainland satellite that inadvertently caused an island-wide air defens...

Why US Defense Secretary hid his hospitalization from Biden?

What kept Biden in the dark about US Defense Secretary Austin’s hospitalization?

China’s transition towards new economic impetus

Eric Li speaks on China’s transition towards new economic impetus and its vision for its global role. Li argues that China's plans are stated plainly and outright in official documents, if you know wh...

2023 Review: How China is Catching Up with the US in Key Tech Domains?

While China demonstrates formidable strength in several areas, it still faces challenges in others, particularly in achieving global influence in specific technologies. As both China and the US contin...

How to define China-US Relations? Let’s use Trump.

China-US relations can be categorized to three periods: Pre-Trump, Trump, and Post-Trump, here's why.

South Africa: Israel’s Gaza operation constitutes GENOCIDE

What will define 2024? The elections or the war in Gaza? Today we are happy to have Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, who is the spokesperson for the National Union of Metal Workers South Africa, she will revea...

2023 Review: Who is Winning in Key Tech Domains?

Is the US's technological war and sanctions slowing China's rise, or is China closing the gap faster than expected?

Will India Be the Next China? | An Indian’s Take

Join Mr. Jayant Bhandari from India and Zephyr from China as they share insights and perspectives on the most populous country in the world.

The Tech of Saving Lives in Massive Earthquake, Drones, Aircraft, Satellites | THREHSOLD

From the daring skydives of 2008's Wenchuan earthquake to the high-tech drone and satellite response of the 2023 Gansu quake. Witness China's remarkable shift from human bravery to advanced technology...