
Why Is Socialism Catching Up in the US?

US war machine has waged endless wars around the world, but has failed to win and has gradually isolated itself more and more.

Who benefits the most from the US banning of TikTok?

why is the US so united in terms of its government, in terms of its legislature, in terms of its politicians so united in wanting to take over control of TikTok? Those Wall Street forces and Silicon V...

China is set to issue 1 trillion RMB bond

In this episode of China Currents: China is set to issue 1 trillion RMB bond; China's top political meeting opens in Beijing; US makes another move on Tiktok.

Why does NVIDIA consider Huawei as its top competitor?

NVIDIA listed Huawei as a major competitor in its annual report filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 21st. Intel, AMD, Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba, and Baidu are also ...

How Blinken accidentally confessed US imperialism?

Join US you'll be on its dinnertable, join China you'll have a win-win

Why the U.S. Threatens the Globe with Table Menu Theory?

The phrase "if you're not at the table, you'll probably be on the menu" said by Blinken representing a zero-sum game mentality that rooted in the US ruling class.

Why US’s Biggest Internal Problem is Dollar?

Why is de-dollarization happening? Why is the dollar system, widely assumed to be unbeatable, crumbling?

How do MAGA communists perceive China?

Exclusive interview with Jackson Hinkle, who reintroduced class consciousness to his GenZ cohort through MAGA communism.